All About Me...

Having enjoyed the major part of life, I'm slowing physically and mentally. Many things that I have accumulatd over the years are falling away from me - either because I no longer need them or because I can no longer use them. Some of my obnoxious personality faults have also fallen by the wayside to be replaced by more compassion, and a new interest in a life that need not only be "all about me". Every day brings something new - sometimes not so nice, but still an experience.

I am still able to enjoy life, albeit a life diffrent to what I would have imagined. Those in similar circumstances might find this site of interest.

I am recording my progress as I build this site under "Site Fun". Under Ageing Gracefully, I intend writing about what I think and do.

My wife and I live in a seniors building so I am aware that we all have problems. The strategies I use to overcome some of those problems and remain sane and cheerful are not unique, but I will also record some of that as time goes by.

I may be contacted by email: jambalaya.jrs "at"gmail"dot"com.